Project Activities

Latest beFORE Alliance activities

Do we still need to ‘sell’ the idea of future-orientation?

Do we still need to ‘sell’ the idea of future-orientation?

What is the place of Foresight and Futures Literacy among economic challenges of the 21st Century? And how economists can make usage of Futures Studies? This time we were presenting the potential of futures thinking in the context of economic transformations and globalization, during the 7th International Scientific Conference “World Economy – Challenges of the 21st Century” that took place in Radom (Poland) on the 24th of November.

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Newsletter vol. 3

Newsletter vol. 3

We are happy to announce the 3rd beFORE project newsletter. Please find below the latest news and articles.

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The quest for competences of a future-oriented entrepreneur

The quest for competences of a future-oriented entrepreneur

The quest for competences of a future-oriented entrepreneur By: Anna Sacio-Szymańska (originally published at LinkedIN) “Whoever imagines mental deep permeable barriers which actually do not exist  and then thinks them away, has understood the world.” (Friedrich...

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Invitation to WP2 Survey

Invitation to WP2 Survey

 “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think (Socrates)” Welcome to the Erasmus+ project: “Becoming Future-Oriented Entrepreneurs in Universities and Companies – beFORE”. We have taken on the challenge to transform university entrepreneurship...

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beFORE second Meeting in Bialystok

beFORE second Meeting in Bialystok

The second meeting of the project “Becoming Future-ORiented Entrepreneurs in universities and companies” took place on May 22 and 23 2017 in Białystok, Poland. The first day of the meeting was opened by the welcome of Mrs. Joanna Ejdys, Dean at BUT University and Anna...

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Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.

beFORE is a Knowledge Alliance Project (575842-EPP- 1-2016- 1-PL- EPPKA2-KA). This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.