What is this lesson about?
The purpose of this lesson is to get acquainted with practical approaches to using scenarios in an organizational context (including that of a small and medium enterprise). The lesson underlines the importance of analysis of impacts of scenarios and the links of each specific scenario with organizational strategy and planning processes. An introduction to the roadmapping method that facilitates this link is also given.

Who is it for?
It is intended for everyone with basic knowledge on the scenario method, which you can discover in Modules 3 and 6. This lesson is aims to provide evidence how sceanrios and roadmapping methods can be used in practice and how they can bring positive impact for the organisational strategy and action plans.

How will you benefit from taking this lesson?
In this lesson you will understand how to create organizational scenarios based on SME case study and you will understand the possible impacts of scenarios on the company management processes. In addition, you will be introduced to the basics of roadmapping method. If you are interested in case studies on roadmapping, please go to Module 5.

Competences addressed by the lesson:

  • Thinking creatively
  • Systems analysis
  • Adaptability/Flexibility