Do you want to know more about how futures literacy and foresight can help your professional career and your business? How can you get benefited from future thinking? And how can you become a future oriented professional?
The Final Conference of the beFORE project that will be held the 26th November in Pisa (Italy) will try to answer to these questions, by presenting the results of this project, that was initiated in January 2017 and that is ending in December 2019. Specifically, the beFORE e-learning platform that integrates both basic and advanced training materials to promote future thinking will be presented.
The conference will count on the participation of several experts from the foresight domain, together with other professionals from the academic and policy making fields. Two parallel participatory workshops will be developed in relation to the future of professions and competences and to existing quantitative methodologies to anticipate the future, along with a roundtable discussion about the application of future in teaching.