Topic Progress:

Summary of lesson

Fit-for-foresight online tool is meant to quickly assess initial foresight eligibility of a single company. The online tool is a short 3-minute survey, composed of three multiple choice questions. The result from the survey delivers the answer to the question: Is foresight a suitable solution to support a decision-making processes in a specific company?

Mirror tests are also available for academics and students, who would like to find out if foresight can support them in their professional career path.

Foresight Maturity Model (FMM)l provides a means to assess, reflect and discuss current levels of foresight maturity in organizations. The model offers guidance on next steps and maturing critical business practices. It  can help to develop action plans and checkpoints for the foresight discipline in a business context. The model creates a language that promotes understanding both within an organization and externally with other organizations.

References and further information

  • Sacio-Szymańska A., The characteristics of corporate foresight eligibility check online tool (fit for foresight), In: Sacio-Szymańska A. Ed. (2016),  Corporate foresight potential in Visegrad (V4) countries, ITeE-PIB.  
  • Wheelwright, V. (2015). Small Business Foresight Long Term Perspective, Scenarios and Strategic Planning for Your Business. Personal Futures Network.
  • Wheelwright, V. (2011). The Personal Futures Workbook Fourth Edition. Personal Futures Network, Harlingen: Harlighen
  • Grim, T. (2009). Foresight Maturity Model (FMM): Achieving Best Practices in the Foresight Field. Journal of Future Studies, 13 (4) 2009
  • Kononiuk, A. & Sacio-Szymańska, A. (2015), Assessing the maturity level of foresight in Polish companies—a regional perspective, Eur J Futures Res  3: 23.

