We are happy to announce the 7th beFORE project newsletter. Please find below the latest news and articles.

A conference in Turin
Skills For The Future: Managing Transition A CONFERENCE IN TURIN, ITALY, ON 21-22 NOVEMBER How do global forces interact with local realities and how does this affect the demand for skills? How should governments, businesses, social partners, civil...
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beFORE meeting in Warsaw
We are striving for perfection, but in fact we already have a lot! BeFore meeting in Warsaw On September 21, a meeting of the beFORE project partners took place at 4cf's headquarters in Warsaw, Poland. TThe participants of the meeting were representatives...
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Future Work
Future Work/Technology 2050 Study World leaders are warning about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) growing beyond human control. AI, together with many other future technologies, as for instance, robotics, synthetic biology,...
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Future Management Practices
FUTURE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES One of the conclusions that we can highlight from Deloitte´s Global Human Capital Trends report is that the actual business practices of corporate planing, organizational structure, job design, goal setting, and management...
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