WP9 activity

WP9 activity

Work Package (WP) 9 is live; in this WP we are going to check the quality of the work that we have done so far. In WP3 the partnership designed the architecture of the educational packages in accordance with the preparatory studies of the previous WPs. From the...
Antitrendbook – The future starts, where trends end

Antitrendbook – The future starts, where trends end

Author: Zofia Bednarczyk, 4CF, Poland “Antitrendbook” is a new report on the future of banking published by First Data Poland in cooperation with 4CF, one of the partners within the before consortium. The report is based on in-depth insights gained from a group of...
beFORE attends the second meeting of Italian futurists

beFORE attends the second meeting of Italian futurists

On 16-17 April 2018 the second meeting of Italian Futurists was held in Bologna, at the headquarters of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italian National Council of Research, CNR) and was organised by CNR, University of Bologna, University of Parma, Italian...
How was beFORE financed?

How was beFORE financed?

Author: Alessandro Guadagni, ValueDo, Italy If you asked yourself, who did finance a project for creating an e-learning course for future oriented individuals and why, you will be interested in reading this article. Let’s start saying the beFORE is a project financed...