Futurists share a passion for ideas and a desire to look over the horizon to see what’s going on in the world, what it could lead to, and what they can do about that. In this context, the overall objective of Module 2 is to illustrate how futures thinking and foresight activities positively reinforce a path to sustainable development, and to inspire you to head towards this direction when making professional decisions.

In module 2 you will have the opportunity to discover and work with such concepts as: systems thinking, cognitive biases in individual or group thinking, global humanity challenges, collective intelligence systems and state of the future index. Module 2 will feature practical case studies from the world of business, science and policy, which will provide evidence on how foresight is used to address strategic questions and manage strategic issues of key relevance for the future of our society.

Topics, which are covered in this module include:


Lesson 1: Thinking in systems

2.1.1 System and systems analysis

2.1.2 Systems thinking

2.1.3 Systems thinking in practice

Lesson 2: Traps of individual thinking

2.2.1 Cognitive biases

2.2.1 Cognitive biases in group thinking


Lesson 3: Tackling global challenges

2.3.1 Global challenges

2.3.2 State of the Future Index

Lesson 4: Foresight applications

2.4.1 Fields and levels of application of foresight

2.4.2 Policy foresight case studies

2.4.3 Research foresight case study

2.4.4 Business foresight case study