“The challenge is not that we must find ways to “know” the future,
rather we need to find ways to live and act with not knowing the future.”
(R. Miller, 2011)Welcome!
Welcome to the pilot phase of an open access course on Foresight and Futures Studies. We are happy you are interested and would like to give you a quick idea on how to approach the e-learning platform. To get a reliable overview of the platform’s content and functionality, we recommend spending one hour to test the material.
- The e-learning offer is made up of 7 modules (4 Basic and 3 Advanced). Module 1 through 4 consist of educational material that is more elementary. Module 5 through 7 consists of more advanced material. Each module is subdivided into lessons and further into topics. You are free to choose the module as well as the lessons and topics you are interested in. If you are new to the subject matter of Foresight or Futures Studies we recommend to start from Basic Modules. If you have some knowledge please fell free to test the advanced modules. Please use the quick rating stars under each topic to evaluate it immediately.
- To give us your detailed feedback on the entire content please fill out a final questionnaire. The link to it you will see in the sidebar of the topic pages at all times.
- To get your participation certificate just follow the instructions at the end of the questionnaire!
- What if I get lost along the way? To keep up and learn – we recommend that you keep a learning diary. You can do this by recording your progress in an analog notebook or use an online diary such as … (https://penzu.com/ or a google-doc such as: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N_FPIoPOvK5UsUADJaqEhBLT8Of-Plxc278R9FtDVVQ/edit
We will be happy to answer all your questions at info@futureoriented.eu
For data protection reasons there is no forum on this platform but you can join us via Social Media

Module 1 Basic: Your first Date with the Futures
Receive a basic understanding of the field and its usefulness in the various areas. Comprehend that future can become a tool changing its application with the perspective and perception one takes on.

Module 2 Basic: Background and Context
Understand the positive role of foresight in navigating complex problems and finding solutions that will lead to the development of new and sustainable futures.

Module 3 Basic: Methodology and Terminology
Understand how to conduct futures studies activities by exploiting the most important methods and approaches.

Module 4 Basic: Application and Implementation
Tools and methods to exploit for clearly and effectively communicate futures studies results to different audiences and organizations.

Module 5 Advanced: Foresight in Learning and Practice
In this module we introduce you to the importance that Foresight concepts and methods can have in respect to supporting people in building future career paths.
Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
beFORE is a Knowledge Alliance Project (575842-EPP- 1-2016- 1-PL- EPPKA2-KA). This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.