How to invent new ideas?

How to invent new ideas?

Author: Margherita Pascucci (ValueDo, Italy) How to invent new ideas? Philosophy can help us. In a recent brainstorming on ‘Reflexive capacity tools’ for our e-learning module on Future studies, our team focused on two aspects: how to invent a new idea and  how to...

Fit for Foresight

Please read the descriptions below to find out if any of them matches your personal profile. Sara is a student at the faculty of management. She does not know, yet which professional career to pursue. She would like to consider all possible alternatives and weigh...

Where to learn futures studies?

For the purposes of competences identification of the future-oriented entrepreneurs, the beFORE partnership investigated 193 sources, (global and domestic literature review: 71, syllabuses: 53, foresight courses: 17, business foresight practices: 52) which enabled to...

Where do you go, entrepreneurship education?

On December 14-15, 2017 researchers representing  beFORE project – Anna Kononiuk, Alicja Gudanowska and Anna Pająk – took part in the seminar and workshops entitled: Where do you go, entrepreneurship education? ECMT + teacher training event (

Future of Work

Foresight as an essential tool to address the challenges arising from the impact of technology on the future work Stephen Hawkins, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates are warning the world about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) growing beyond human control....