Project Activities

Latest beFORE Alliance activities

Newsletter vol. 8

We are happy to announce the 8th beFORE project newsletter. Please find below the latest news and articles.

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Futures Literacy Applied

Futures Literacy Applied

beFORE partners contributed workshops on futures and innovation. Aveniture GmbH and Freie Universität Berlin, the German research partners in the beFORE Project, both contributed on October 11th and 12th, 2018 in Berlin their separate workshops...

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Exploring new frontiers on soft skills

Exploring new frontiers on soft skills

As the past article on the “Soft skill for the future” ( highlighted, soft skills are very important for the labour market for the future. The big question is which are the main competences...

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One year of beFORE

One year of beFORE

As you probably know if you drop by these pages once in a while, beFORE - "Becoming Future-Oriented Entrepreneurs", is one of the European projects firsthandly managed by the ValueDo team. Funded by the Erasmus + Program with around EUR 750.000, beFORE aims at...

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Kiron – a Best Practice example in e-learning

Kiron – a Best Practice example in e-learning

Authors: Stefanie Ollenburg, Miriam Chrosch both at Institut Futur, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany E-Learning has the potential to overcome boundaries in educational systems: Students who are at a socio-economic disadvantage may get access to learning...

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Why our mind can take the wrong way

Why our mind can take the wrong way

Authors: Elena Cervelli and Leonello Trivelli, University of Pisa One of sine qua non conditions for the foresight activity is not allowing ourself to be carried away by cognitive errors. The fundamental causes of cognitive error belong either to the...

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Conjectural Futures Conference

Conjectural Futures Conference

Conjectural Futures Conference – enabling others to think and act On 5th and 6th of November 2018 beFORE project team joined strategists, foresighters, innovators and designers who were invited by the Corporate Foresight Teams of Evonik and Deutsche Bahn...

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The role of functions in Technology Foresight

The role of functions in Technology Foresight

The anticipation of future technologies is a crucial component of strategic management, within both private companies and public authorities. Indeed, technology foresight can be used as a decision-making tool either for the definition of innovation...

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Newsletter vol 7

Newsletter vol 7

We are happy to announce the 7th beFORE project newsletter. Please find below the latest news and articles.

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Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.

beFORE is a Knowledge Alliance Project (575842-EPP- 1-2016- 1-PL- EPPKA2-KA). This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.