We are happy to announce the 6th beFORE project newsletter. Please find below the latest news and articles.

Educating future leaders
Author: Anna Sacio-Szymańska, ITeE-PIB, Poland In this post, you will read about the educational start-up, which has a lower acceptance rate than Harvard or Stanford universities; you will find out what competence is needed to recognize entrepreneurial...
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Celebrating the present! Re-inventing the future!
Author: Monika Tkacz, Mondragon, Spain MTA 10th ANNIVERSARY - CELEBRATING THE PRESENT! RE-INVENTING THE FUTURE! Anniversaries are commonly aimed at reflecting on the PAST but Mondragon Team Academy (MTA) as always is changing the common approach and it has...
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WP9 activity
Work Package (WP) 9 is live; in this WP we are going to check the quality of the work that we have done so far. In WP3 the partnership designed the architecture of the educational packages in accordance with the preparatory studies of the previous WPs....
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Antitrendbook – The future starts, where trends end
Author: Zofia Bednarczyk, 4CF, Poland “Antitrendbook” is a new report on the future of banking published by First Data Poland in cooperation with 4CF, one of the partners within the before consortium. The report is based on in-depth insights gained from a...
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4th beFORE meeting in Berlin: anticipation, e-learning and design thinking
Authors: Freya Kettner and Stefanie Ollenburg, FREIE, Germany On May 14 and 15, the beFORE project partners met at Freie Universität in Berlin, Germany. Together we worked out and discussed contents for work-package (WP4); consisting of the development of...
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